Business Advisory
Starting, growing, and excelling at one’s business is no easy task. About 80% of Startup Businesses in Nigeria fail within their first 5 years of operation, and more than 50% of existing SMEs are significantly hindered by existing conditions within the local business environment.
In spite of the huge potential in the market, the issues encumbering local businesses remain vast and varied. Everything from infrastructural and labour concerns, to financing, and operational challenges, plague the everyday entrepreneur.
Wouldn’t You Like Some Relief?
At TMC, we can advise you on the best way to face your numerous challenges, and help you develop strategic plans that will put you well on the road to success.
You Don’t Have to Go it Alone
TMC – Toki Mabogunje & Co.
27 Ogundana Street,
Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja,
Lagos, Nigeria. 100001