CEO Visioning Session

On March 13th 2018, our CEO Visioning Session will take place. It will be held at 27 Ogundana Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

Enroll in our Visioning Session to get your business setup to run the rest of the year in style. In our session, we will help you layout your goals for your businesses future and create an action plan so that you can attack each item with laser like focus throughout the year.

CEO Visioning Sessoion

Sign up now by:

  1. Filling the form on our Training Page saying that you wish to “Enroll in the Visioning Session on March 13th, 2018
  2. Sending an email to Or
  3. Calling us on 0818.335.4052 or 0809.520.4829

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