Capacity Building
With a population of over 170 million people, Nigeria boasts the largest consumer market in Africa. Demand exponentially exceeds supply, yet suppliers remain limited in reach. Reaching more customers requires building capacity: Capacity to produce, Capacity to supply, and Capacity to serve.
Are you Equipped to Serve your Market?
Building your capacity could involve hiring more staff, training existing staff, purchasing new tools, revising your approach, and/or restructuring your organisation. That’s why sometimes it takes an objective critical look to be sure.
At TMC we assess your needs and design a customized capacity building program to meet them. Our capacity-building programmes are embedded with the identified ancillary services you may also require – such as legal, marketing, financial, structural, value chain, and more.
So Let Us Help You
TMC – Toki Mabogunje & Co.
27 Ogundana Street,
Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja,
Lagos, Nigeria