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Social Media Marketing


This course walks you through the processes of planning for, setting up, and running campaigns on your social media accounts. As well as monitoring and tracking your results.

KYC & Goal Setting

The course begins with an introduction to planning for and setting appropriate goals for your social media activities. Without doing this, there would be no way to accurately track and measure your progress once you begin running your social media campaigns.

It also introduces participants to the concept of KYC which stands for Know Your Customer. You must know who you are creating content for to be successful on Social Media.

Setting Up Your Social Media Accounts

Next, we walk you through the process of setting up a social media account. While each platform is different, there are some commonalities you can expect. By taking one platform as an example, we cover these areas. We also highlight the notion of “Business Pages vs User Pages” because most platforms differentiate between the two, and depending on which type of page you create, different features will be available to you.

Planning & Running Your Campaign

Then we treat the process of planning for your campaign(s). Deciding what to share to which platform, when and how. We introduce you to some tools and methods for making this work easier, saving you time and effort.

Tracking & Monitoring Your Results

Finally, we take you through the task of tracking your results. Every platform has a way to do this, and we use one example platform to show you how. By and large, you can derive all the information you need for free from each platform. There is no need to pay extra.


This course is a one-day (1-day) course and focuses on organic social media marketing which does not include paid ads. However, all the methods taught during the course apply to both organic and paid adverts.

By the end of this training, you should have the skills to set up your own social media account on any platform of your choice and begin to market and promote your products and services freely while keeping an eye on your results.